The Story of Alliance
FPM has been making yo-yos for Damian for over 4 years. FPM and Damian have built a good relationship over the years. Meanwhile, Damian told us he likes Yoyofriends yo-yos, he bought a Tiss hummingbird and Koi.
In July 2021, we had the thought on our minds about collaborating with Damian, we contacted him in Sep 2021 to collaborate on a titanium yoyo. We believe it will be a new experience for us! Damian even wrote the story for our collaboration yoyo.
In July 2021, we had the thought on our minds about collaborating with Damian, we contacted him in Sep 2021 to collaborate on a titanium yoyo. We believe it will be a new experience for us! Damian even wrote the story for our collaboration yoyo.

“The Alliance is a collaboration yoyo between Yoyofriends and Damian Puckett.
The body is made from titanium and features the One Drop Side Effects system. Optimizing the use of titanium resulted in a long spinning, stable yoyo. The performance combined with its comfortable shape can handle anything from a laid back session to the most intense combos.

Background Back in 2018 I contacted FPM (Yoyofriends parent company) to make my first yoyo. At the time I knew very little about yoyo design, but they were able to take my idea and bring it to life. 4 years later and I’ve made over a dozen bimetals, multiple titaniums and even a TISS. When the opportunity came for me to make a collaboration yoyo with Yoyofriends I said yes without hesitation.

While making the Alliance I wanted to use all the knowledge I gained about yoyo design over the past few years. There is a fine line when it comes to how powerful to make a yo-yo. Early on I had the tendency to put as much rim weight as possible on a yo-yo.

This will definitely generate a long spinning, stable yoyo, but it also results in a boring yoyo. The opposite is also true. Not enough rim weight and the yo-yo lacks spin time and stability. My goal with the Alliance was to be right in the middle.

I wanted it to have plenty of spin time and stability so it could get through any combo, but also have some character and feel.

The shape of the yo-yo and how it feels in the hand is also very important to me. Comfort was the driving factor when making the shape. The Alliance met all of my goals and I’m excited to release this with Yoyofriends."
Damian Puckett

(PS: We tried two types of logo, and you can see the left one looks better, so we chose the solid logo for Alliance)

The Alliance will drop Monday, April 18th, 2022 8 PM EST
Material: Titanium
Diameter: 55.9mm
Width: 45mm
Gap width: 4.4mm
Weight: 64.7G
Onedrop SE, NSK Concave Bearing and Certificate
309.99USD/ set