Da Vinci

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Introducing the da Vinci, signature of Tomoki Toyama. This signature model is imagined by Tomoki, based on his high standards in performance and specifications to bring him the most confidence in contests and everyday use. Da Vinci features dimensions that are easy to land techy tricks, larger gap width for multiple string stacking, incredible control and stability to give Tomoki more confidence in his freestyle on stage and off stage. The da Vinci name is inspired by Leonardo da Vinci. Tomoki's name is associated with being " versatile", and Leonardo is called " Genius of All Things" with multiple innovations and creations that frontiered the human culture.

Weight: 62.6 grams
Material: 7068AL+SS
Diameter: 56.00mm
Width: 44.50mm
Gap width: 4.56mm
Axle: M4*10mm
Pads: 19.2*14.2*1.2mm

Center Track(2022 release)

Concave Bearing(2024 release)